
Thank you for your interest in joining the Azerbaijan-France Chamber of Commerce (AFchamber). By joining the Chamber, you can:

  • increase the visibility of your Company;

  • build networking, develop partnerships;

  • share ideas and best practices with member companies;

  • get benefits from the Chamber marketing services;

  • become more aware of the business community and entrepreneurial issues.

Before applying for membership, here is the membership categories information you need to know:

Category A and B: Any legal entity in Azerbaijan and France (except for government authorities and municipalities) can apply.

Application steps:

Video Explanation:

Step 1: Submission of Form

Download AFchamber membership form, fill out, and e-mail it to [email protected].

Note: For Category A and B, Company’s Tax and Registration certificates should be submitted as well.

Step 2: Vote on the application

The Management Board votes on the membership application.

Step 3: Signing agreement

Once the Board approves your application, both parties sign the agreement.

Step 4: Being a member

Membership starts upon the finalization of membership payment.

Welcome to the AFchamber!