Webinar on “Tax Treatment of Employee Benefits” was held

On July 22, 2020, CCIAF HR and Labor Regulation Committee in partnership with PwC Azerbaijan held a webinar on “Tax Treatment of Employee Benefits”. The speakers at the webinar were Elmir Huseynov, Senior Tax Consultant at PwC Azerbaijan, and Rena Hajiyeva, Tax Manager at PwC Azerbaijan.
The webinar started with opening remarks by Samira Najafova, Chair of the CCIAF HR and Labor Regulation Committee. She greeted the participants and expressed the Committee gratitude to the speakers.
Elmir Huseynov introduced the participants with the recent amendments to the Social Security Law and explained amendments and addition to business trips and business meetings expenses. Rena Hajiyeva talked about the tax treatment of most common employee benefits, such as meal and entertainment, accommodation, and housing benefits. The speakers also shared information about the treatment of free of charge provided goods and gifts; a company car, fuel, and transportation allowance; financial aids given to employees; expenses paid for training, conferences and events; and other in-kind employee benefits carrying social nature.
The webinar ended with a Q&A session.