AFchamber welcomes Education Committee Chair and Deputy Chairs

AFchamber welcomes Education Committee Chair and Deputy Chairs

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AFchamber created Education Committee with the aim to promote a better connection between Education and Business sectors in Azerbaijan. The Committee will support establishing a platform for dialogue between education institutions (higher education and vocational education and training) and private companies with the purpose to improve the relevance of study programmes to the labour market needs.

AFchamber Board members elected chair and deputy chairs for the Education Committee.

Fariz Ismailzade, Vice-Rector at ADA University is elected for the Chair position, Latifa Nasibova, Head of Education Department at UFAZ and Elvin Gasimov, Audit Director at Baker Tilly Azerbaijan are elected as Deputy chairs of the Committee.

We congratulate our Committee Chair and Deputy chairs and wish them success in their activities.

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